• About us

  • Al-Jumhuriya is an award-winning independent media and knowledge production platform from Syria. Founded in 2012 by a small group of journalists, writers, and academics, the organization has since established itself as a key source of high-quality reportage and analysis and a widely respected platform for critical thinking and democratic values.

    In a country which has endured unspeakable depths of repression and hardship, we stand proud of more than a decade of continuous and unflinching coverage, a robust network of hundreds of brave journalists, artists, and researchers, and an archive that maintains the highest editorial standards. Across theme and genre, we maintain a steadfast commitment to quality: our reporting is empirically detailed and meticulously fact-checked, our language is clear and sensitive, and our stories strive for a multiplicity of voices and perspectives, especially those commonly ignored or forgotten.

    Al-Jumhuriya covers the entire Syrian geography, and strives to hold all power holders across the country accountable. Our approach balances the reality of local specificity with the need for a countrywide lens that explains the larger context and looks boldly beyond the present. What unfolds on our pages as a result is a Syrian conversation that is diverse but not nearly as cacophonous or bleak as one might conclude from news headlines. In this conversation, we also reflect on and engage with the growing Syrian diaspora, and pay close attention to the role played by culture, ideas, memory and history in reconstituting Syrian identity and public culture.

    Al-Jumhuriya English

    Al-Jumhuriya’s coverage and commentary continues to appear primarily in Arabic. However, since 2016, we have endeavored to develop our English-language content and become a key reference on Syria and the Middle East for international audiences. In this quest, we draw on our longevity as a professional media organization working in one of the most challenging media environments in the world, and on our uniquely Syrian voice. It is especially important for us that younger generations of Syrians in the diaspora, who may be more accustomed to the English language, are not excluded from the dialogue and exchange of ideas we aim to create. Our material includes translations from our Arabic coverage in addition to original English-language reporting, commentary, and multimedia.

    Guideline for pitches

    Al-Jumhuriya seeks to publish English-language pieces which address topics related to Syria or the Middle East (whether inside or outside Syria), or Syrian perspectives on regional or global topics. In particular, we aim to publish original pieces which provoke thought, encourage dialogue and contribute to the exchange of ideas that epitomizes Al-Jumhuriya. With this in mind, we are particularly interested in pieces which explore under-reported topics, or provide under-reported angles on more familiar topics.

    Thematically, we aim to publish pieces dealing with:

    • Political issues (be they current, recent or historical developments, both inside Syria and in diaspora);
    • Cultural, social and livelihood issues, in a way which seeks to explore (or narrate) the human dimension;
    • Exploration (or re-exploration) of Syrian identity on a political and cultural level.

    Format of articles

    With regard to the form of our articles, the scope is left intentionally broad: we accept pieces in the form of op-eds, opinion or analytical pieces, interviews, eyewitness accounts or even works of creative writing. The writer should however take care to commit to Al-Jumhuriya’s standard of in-depth and considered writing.

    Word limit

    We usually publish articles between 1000 and 3000 words, although depending on the content of the article, we will consider shorter and longer pieces. The content of the article, and its commitment to depth, is more important than the length.

    How to Pitch

    In order to submit a pitch, please send a short paragraph explaining your idea, accompanied by your name and/or pseudonym and a short introduction, to english@aljumhuriya.net and/or r.stretton@aljumhuriya.net.

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